Coming from an animation major, this work represent the
movement of the heart in separate layers. Knowing that this
simple movement is what making us alive.
This piece can be relatable to anyone looking at it and
reading the poem on it. It will make them remember their
loves ones and how much this small heart does mean to
someone else in your life.
This piece is accompanied by the heartbeat animation,
reflected shadows and sound.
For this project I used acrylic sheets, laser cutting and
drawing with a pen. Also I used wooden stands for the

تُراهُ يدري بأنَّ القلبَ مَسكنهُ
ولستُ أُبصر بالعينينِ إلّاهُ
القلبُ يسألُ عيني حينَ أذكرهُ
”يا عينُ قولي متى باللهِ نلقاهُ؟“

You know. That my heart is your home
And I, can’t see with my eyes but you
The heart asks my eyes when I remember you
“O eye, tell me when, , shall we meet?”

This project was made for Artist's Book class, at Pratt Institute in New York.
Art Piece by: Ethar Baamer

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