In Between
There was always a missing piece, until you, found you
In Between explores the journey  of self-discovery. An individual seeks to discover their true inner self and embrace their authentic personality. The main character, a woman in her twenties, feels overwhelmed by societal expectations that dictate how she should behave and who she should be. She escapes from all of the versions of herself, to break free from these constraints and find her own path toward self-realization. After facing a series of obstacles, she comes close to giving up. However, her true self ultimately guides her toward freedom and enables her to overcome her challenges. In the film, the main character was experiencing an unconscious state where she was struggling to differentiate between reality and fantasy. This resulted in two different versions of the main character, representing her interaction with reality and her unconscious world.
2024 Update: "In Between" won the Golden Palm at the Saudi Film Festival in the short films animation category!
Stills From The Film
The film is currently participating at Festivals*

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